IMI2 call for diabetic cardiomyopathy proposals


The Innovative Medicines Initiatives 2 (IMI2) is the second phase of IMI, a partnership between the European Union, represented by the European Commission, and the European pharmaceutical industry, represented by the EFPIA.

Its principle is to encourage research that requires pooling of resources and greater collaboration between the public and private sectors and should involve partners from different fields to develop next-generation vaccines, medicines and treatments.

The topic “Assessment of the uniqueness of diabetic cardiomyopathy relative to other forms of heart failure using unbiased pheno-mapping approaches” will have as a goal to determine the mechanisms of cardiomyopathy in diabetic patients and the impact on cardiovascular mortality in this population to enable patient stratification at an early stage of the disease.

The projects, with a duration of 5 years, should be a joint effort to:

  • Address the compilation of a set of agreed phenotype criteria enabling the classification and new definition of diabetic cardiomyopathy.
  • Use heart failure cohorts with or without diabetes and prospectively access clinical and imaging data, and samples that meet considered criteria.
  • Be the basis to gain consensus acceptance by those involved in basic diabetes and heart failure research and clinical investigators.

The IMI will hold an event, IMI Stakeholder Forum 2017, on October 18-19th in Brussels, Belgium.

The Cardiolinc encourages its members to build a consortium for an application to this call. Please follow this link for more details.